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Cured 5000 dengue patients-Yet the authorities are keeping silent

Cured 5000 dengue patients
Yet the authorities are keeping silent

The authorities have tried numerous methods to eradicate the fatal dengue decease, yet their efforts have proved futile. For these unsuccessful attempts a tidy sum had been spent and a number of hours of human labour had been unnecessarily deployed.

It is well known that in several districts various programmes
have been conducted deploying people in various ways. Yet they too have not had any success.

In the good old days the dengue mosquitoes were breeding in pure water in wells and in other places. But today they breed in places where there is water which have got stagnated in various places like drains, gutters, tires empty cans and in other such places. The breeding process have become faster, resulting in effecting people with the dengue decease which has become fatal to many.

The government had imported BTI bacteria spending enormous sums of money. But the effect of it had not shown good results. What has been proved is that a sufficient amount of BTI bacteria had not been used to eradicate the dengue mosquitoes.

As a remedy  to this dangerous fatal menace an Ayurvedic lady doctor from the South had done research with a medicine manufactured using herbs which could be easily found about two years ago. The medicine she had made had had found to be one that could cure dengue patients within a short time.

She hails from Ambalangoda, Aluthwela, Perumanagoda by the name of Tharanga Kumari Wickremasuriya. It is learnt that the authorities of the health department had not give concern and recognition to her research, which is indeed very pathetic from all angles. In this regard this lady Ayurvedic doctor has been able to obtain the ‘patent’ licence for it and the subject had been made known to be spoken in Parliament with pride about six months ago.

The very strange thing is that this matter has not yet drawn the attention of the officials of the Ministry of Health. They have not taken steps to direct the dengue patients for treatment to the Ayurdedic doctor Tharanga Kumari Wickremasuriya.  It is however learnt that she had been able to cure a number between 5000 to 7000  who had acquired dengue. Initially she had prepared a powder as the treatment. Now she has made it into a liquid form contained in 450ml bottles. As she had added any preservatives the medicine need to be taken within three days.

It is learnt the lady doctor also able to cure deceases like leukaemia, cholesterol and various other deceases and she could be contacted on Tel numbers 091 7914202 and 071 4845335.It is learnt that she had treated patients who had come from many parts of the Island.

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