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Sacred relics deposited in Sanda Hiru Seya Sela Chaitya

His Excellency the President Mahinda Rajapaksa on Poson Full Moon Poya Day participated the sacred treasure enshrining ceremony in Sanda Hiru Seya Sela Chaitya (pagoda) in Anuradhapura.
The Stupa is constructed to commemorate the fallen war heroes who sacrificed their priceless and precious lives to safeguard the motherland and the nation from LTTE brutes. It is proposed to construct 9 Stupa in all nine provinces in the country to honour and salute country’s bravery military
officials who made the supreme sacrifices during the war era under concept of Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Sanda Hiru Seya is  the first nine Dagabas being built in the close a proximity of sacred Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi  which is only be second to the Ruwanweli Maha Seya in size and extent. It will be about 40-50 ft  in depth below the ground level, 279 feet in height, 255 feet in diametre and 801 feet in circumference. 

The Stupa to be completed within three years, with the use of over 30 million bricks, 130,000 bags of cement, 9.5 million kgs of lime, and 70,000 of granite cubes. 

On arrival at Sanda Hiru Seya, President Rajapaksa was  received by the North Central Province Chief Minister, Tri-Service Commanders, IGP, coordinator of the project, Major General  Palitha Fernando, Military Liaison Officer at the Defence Ministry and a large gathering of civilians and students.

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