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The secret of Duminda’s escape from death

The secret of Duminda’s escape from death

Last week a group of Parliamentarians were having a chat in the corridor of the Parliament.
There were Johnston Fernando,Gunaratna Weerakoon, Jagath Pushpakumara, Neranjan Wickremasinghe, Victor Anthony, Arundika Fernando and Tharanath Basnayake who were all Parliamentarians, Secretary to the President’s parliamentary affairs, Kumarasiri Hettige and Sanath Gunatilleke were among others.
When they were having a chat Member of Parliament Duminda Silva and a few other members of parliament arrived at that place.

“How you are Duminda are you now completely recovered added one Member of Parliament”.

“Yes member of parliament, but I will have to take some
more treatment” added Duminda.

“ Yes all are saying that been shot to recover is a miracle” quipped Arundika Fernando.

“Yes all are saying it, after having been shot to recover is indeed a miracle” confirmed Kumarasiri Hettige.

“After the shooting when I was taken to hospital to stop bleeding I heard that some medicine had been brought by the United National Party’s Ruwan Wijewardena from his mother’s surgery. Otherwise I would have been finished” was replied by Duminda Silva.

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